Documenting the interconnectedness of all life,
Bridging worldviews and varying modes of perception.
Catalyst Artistic Productions often partners with the non-profit Global Diversity Film Project, a program of Perception International.
GDFP documents the myriad modes of perception in cultures worldwide, both traditional and innovative. We learn from indigenous peoples and cutting edge thinkers and doers who utilize ideas at the ever-shifting borders between science and spirituality.
Through creative visual media, we seek understanding, compassion, connection, and integration between ideas and varied lifeways that may appear to be in conflict or even opposition. We explore possibilities for bridging worlds based on varying perceptions, whether they be human-to-human, human-animal interspecies communication, or human to ecosystem relationships.
Project Director Debra Denker has been making films since her teen-age years, learning a range of changing technologies. She has made documentaries in Pakistan, India, Tibet, and the U.S., several of which have been shown on international TV and in film festivals. Her Tibetan Video Archive Project, begun in 2004, is now under GDFP’s umbrella as our work expands into other regions of the world.
GDFP's first project, in association with Voices for Biodiversity, is Between Worlds: Africa. Producer-director Debra Denker and anthropologist Tara Waters Lumpkin, PhD, founder and director of Voices for Biodiversity, traveled throughout South Africa for a month in 2009.
Like many documentary-makers, they found not what they had planned, but far more enriching and thought-provoking subjects than they could have dreamed. They returned with many hours of exciting footage with “Between Worlds” as the overarching and underpinning theme.
The evolving film asks the question: Can the perceptual diversity of traditional indigenous healers, shamans and diviners, modern scientists, passionate activists, and the animals that inhabit our strained ecosystem help prevent the Sixth Great Extinction now in progress?
Some of the Between Worlds footage has been used to make short films, including Bushman Caves, Brilliant Baboons, Community Garden: Many Hands Make Light Work, and an update on the work of the non-profit Seeds of Light. Healing Touch in South Africa: Planting Seeds of Hope, is a short on teaching Healing Touch to the staff of a primary school in Acornhoek.
GDFP is also sponsoring a film by award-winning documentary filmmaker Bill Megalos. Stuck in the Doorway, begun in May, 2017, chronicles the story of the challenges faced by refugees who arrived in Greece after EU countries closed their borders to them, and Greece's commitment to welcome, succor, and ultimately integrate the thousands of refugees on its soil.
An ongoing project in association with Catalyst Artistic Productions is One Breath: One Life, a film on the ancient spiritual traditions of Hawaii as taught by the late traditional healer and wisdom keeper, Kahu Kauila Clark.
How to Donate
You can donate through PayPal on our website GDFP is under the non-profit sponsorship of Perception International, so all your contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Please make checks out to Perception International, with GDFP in the memo, and send to:
Debra Denker
369 Montezuma Avenue, #332
Santa Fe, NM 87501